Scrap Yard Birkenhead

Scrap Yard Birkenhead


If you require a Scrap Yard Birkenhead  to transport your unwanted scrap or to have pick up-free collection-at your convenience, why not speak to the professionals at Murphy Scrap Metals regarding your scrap needs. With over 50 years’ experience within the industry, they have what it takes!

From Birkenhead for a scrap yard, to throughout the Wirral region, Murphy get many calls regarding their excellent service; from a variety of customers-both domestic and commercial-who have unwanted scrap to destroy. Murphy’s success is down to their superb customer service, top prices they pay and reputation-comply with the Environment Agency directives.

With a scrap yard Birkenhead enquiry, the dedicated and experienced team at Murphy will discuss any questions you may have. Taking ferrous scrap-containing iron-and non ferrous metal which includes: aluminium, brass, copper, zinc, lead, stainless steel etc, Murphy offer a fully comprehensive service that you won’t find anywhere else!